While picking up a coupon provider such as Almond Coupons to get big savings on your purchases, you might wonder how they find such good deals and offers. Do they verify which coupons are real and working?
To answer all your questions, Almond Coupons has kept things clear by giving you an insight into their approach to finding the best available deals, how they verify them, and why they should be your trusted partner for saving money!
Our strategy to source coupons is multifaceted and ensures users have access to all the best deals for big discounts. The primary method of sourcing is directly through the retailer’s official website where the shared coupons are checked first to make sure they are real before we post them on our website. Another way is getting the coupons and deals sent straight to our inbox by subscribing to the email newsletter by the retailer. Besides that, our team also keeps an eye on other merchant platforms where retailers share verified coupons.
We are considerate that coupons provided on our website should be real and 100% working. Each available coupon is checked manually by simulating the redemption process to confirm that the discount is correctly applied and reflects the advertised offer. This way customers encounter no surprise or disappointment during the checkout.
Detailed checks on expiry dates and terms and conditions for any exclusions are conducted to guarantee that only active and relevant coupons are made available for the customers.
We believe in being transparent about how we bring our users the best deals and offers. Our strong relationship and open communication with retailers allow us to provide them with the latest ongoing deals and offers for maximum discounts on their purchases.
We value our user’s input to improve and expand our platform giving them more ways to save. While we do not accept direct submissions of coupon codes, we welcome suggestions for adding new brands or retailers to our platform. Just email us at francesca@almondcoupons.com with the name of the brand or store you want, along with any relevant information such as their website or contact details and we'll try our best to add them.
We work regularly and diligently to provide our users with the most updated deals and discount offers from retailers. We regularly verify each coupon to validate its accuracy before it is made available to the users.